10% discount if you rent for 7 days

Car Rental Suceava

Search for car

Take 4 easy steps to rent a car!

Date and location

Choose when and where you want to start.

Choose car

Find the perfect car for your trip.

Make a reservation

Fast and easy booking, no hassle!

The car is waiting

Enjoy every mile you drive in your new car.

Your preferred choice for car rentals!

Auto Hromei offers you car storage services in Suceava and surroundings, simple and fast. We offer a diverse range of new cars at excellent prices to meet every customer need.

From business trips to family outings, we have solutions tailored to your needs. With a simple rental process and friendly staff ready to assist you, we are dedicated to providing you with a worry-free and enjoyable experience on every trip.

With attention to detail and transparency, we build trusting relationships with our customers. Together, we make your car experience enjoyable and worry-free.

Happy Customers


Program 24/7


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